Friday, June 29, 2012

PRESCHOOL she comes!

In March 2012 when we moved to Bonney Lake I realized that I needed to take Kynlee to a child find screening. I noticed she has had some speech and language difficulties and because of that she misbehaves. I noticed especially that her communication with other children was not up to par with other 3 year olds. Anyways to make a long story short we got her into preschool next year! It was a long process and lots of evaluations and meetings with the speech therapist, preschool teachers and school Psychologist.

 Mountain Meadow Elementary Preschool is where she will be going. I am so thankful that she is going to get the help she needs that I can not give her here at home. I think socially so will grow and have to confidence to do things on her own instead of just following her brother around and only doing things that he does.

My Kynlee girl is growing up and it makes me sad. :{

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