About us

        Our Story begins in July 2004. I had recently graduated from High School and newly attending the singles ward in Chandler, AZ. He had also just moved from NM a few months prior and was living with his dad.
We met at Church and dated for 8weeks and then he purposed to me. We were married 6 months later on March 12th, 2005 in the Mesa Arizona Temple. We lived in AZ for 6 years and had two kiddos. Camden Gene Smelser was born on August 17th 2007 and then 18 1/2 months later Kynlee Kate Smelser join our crew on March 7th, 2009. We  to WA in March 2011. We love the pacific northwest and are so excited to be blogging our adventure and creating a electronic journal for our friends and family to read and enjoy.

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