Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Growing up I hated doing chores or cleaning anything really! I dreaded having to clean my room and would bribe my sister to clean up our room. I would offer things like: "You can wear my clothes. Pick what ever you would like." "I wont wear your clothes at all for a week." "I will give you $ or anything if you would just clean the room."

But Camden on the other hand loves to clean! I think Bjo must have rubbed off on him. Lol! He has a list of things that need to be done.

1-Vacuum the house
2-Pick up toys
3-Play nice with Kynlee
4-Take the trash out (with Daddy's help)

If he does his chores on his own and the right way he gets to put $ in his Mission Fund Jar. If he doesnt he gets privileges taken away. Eventually this jar will end up being a bigger piggy bank, but for now it works and he listens and loves to do what I say.

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