Monday, April 4, 2011



We are still unpacking but we have been here for a little over a week. I have been taking CNA classes and have been super busy trying to make our home live able. We don't have very mush storage so I have been getting rid of lots of junk that I don't need!
Here is a brief synopsis of our journey to Washington:

We packed up all our stuff in a uhaul trailer on Thursday the 24th of March. We then said our goodbyes to all our family and friends in AZ and left early in the a.m. on friday. We drove to California on the I-10. We then travelled thru San Bernadino and then to Palmdale where we stopped for lunch and to gas up. We then went the back way thru Bakersfield and then got on to the I-5 headed North. We then went thru the cities Stockton and Sacramento and then stopping for then night in Redding, CA. We stayed at a hotel for the night. Overnight and early morning we got hit with lots of snow. The California highway patrol made it mandatory for us to put chains on to go thru the Shasta mountain pass. We then proceeded to sit in traffic for awhile so we could pullover and put our chains on. The kids during all of this were watching movies on my laptop or sleeping. We sang lots of primary songs and lots of children's songs to keep them occupied. Camden's favorite ? the entire way to Washington was "What is that?" Sometimes we knew and sometimes he drove us nuts because we had no idea what he was looking at.

After wasting time putting chains on (didn't need them after all) We had to take them off. It took longer then expected so we were behind. We were supposed to be at our apartment at 5:00pm. We drove the rest of the way to our apartment thru medford, Eugene, and portland, Oregon. We got to portland at 5:30pm and our apartment was 2 1/2 hours away. We made it to our apartment at about 8:00pm. We had a long day of driving and were so tired. We had CJ's previous ward elders Quorum help us unload the trailor. There were about 10 people helping us so it took about 20 min.

Anyways that was our experience and we had lots of fun! We are enjoying the rainy weather but we are definitely looking forward to the summer! Puyallup is our new home and there is going to be a spring fair next week which we are excited for because we got free tickets!

:) @ the spring fair Dora will be visiting everyday and I know a little girl who is SUPER excited for her visit!

We will also be making a visit to the tulip festival!

I want to thank all the helped and all that were supportive of our moved and that have been extremly encouraging because I couldn't have made the decision to move with our you. I would post a pic of our trip but I for some reason can't find my camera cord. Sorry!

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