Friday, November 30, 2012


I didn't want to do anything for my birthday when people asked me what I wanted to do because I was very depressed and extremely exhausted. It all changed when I got a job offer and I accepted the position and was immediately excited to do anything for my birthday.

A few days after my birthday we went over to Dad and Becky's for fingerfood and games. I love to play board games and playing them with them is especially fun because Becky is a crack up and Dad is good at every game and it gives me a chance to compete. We played Cranium, Curses, Scattergorries, and of course Skip Bo.

Thanks Dad and Becky and CJ for an awesome  birthday celebration! It was so much fun!
I didn't get pics that night because we all are not into taking pics of ourselves right now!

So Blessed!

We have so much to be thankful for. These last 4 months have truly been a blessing. 

Blessing #-1 In September we were finally able to send Camden and Kynlee off to Kindergarten and Preschool making it possible for me(katy) to peacefully sleep for a few hours a day. Because I work the night shift and having both kids home all day it is really hard to get sleep when they NEVER nap and CJ works during the day. I am so happy they are in school and learning new and exciting things but even more ecited for my precious zzzzzzz.

Blessing #2- We have been struggling financially for quite sometime because of CJ's lay off early this year from the funeral home and we have been applying for jobs like CRAZY. CJ was blessed to get a position at Home Depot in early March but it just wasn't enough. We just kept looking for other job offers. In September we kept pursuing a job that we knew he probably wouldn't get because he wasn't qualified for. We finally got a call and they told us that they would love to have him as an employee we were elated. It is a full time position and has benefits. (100% company paid benefits to be exact!) He started in mid-october and we are finally getting back on our feet slowly.

Blessing#3- I have been consistently been applying for a hospital job for a year now and haven't got anything until now! I received wonderful news on Nov. 15th. I got a PCA/HCA Night shift position at a hospital! I start my new job on Monday 12/3 and I am soooo excited! I still can't believe it sometimes. I have never had a job that offered benefits and the amount of benefits offered I didn't even know what some of them were. Can't wait to start my new adventure.

I want to thank all my family and friends that have prayed in our behalf to be financially stable. I am so thankful for a father in heaven who knows our needs and blesses us when he seems fit. I love this time of year and can't wait to see what else is in store for us when 2013 comes! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


"Michaelangelo" TMNT & Butterfly

They had so much fun trick or treating in Gpa and Gma's neighborhood. They got lots of candy! I just hope that I can keep them and myself eating it all before the weekend. :(

Friday, October 26, 2012

30 years!

WOW! I can't believe it I am married to a 30 year old! His birthday was last Sunday we have been very busy and yes I am just now blogging about it. :(

I have been working alot of weekends and CJ has a new job and is gone M-F 9:30-6:00. The plan was to go out on Saturday to dinner and a movie while the kids went over to Gpa's and Gma's house to carve pumpkins. Well we ended up using the gift card to, Outback Steakhouse, that we got for our Anniversary (thank you Cyndy and Selby) We both enjoyed our meals but the service was crappy! We waited 15 min for his free birthday dessert! :) we decided not going to a movie, we went to the store to buy new jeans for work for CJ. He needed new jeans and would need more because of his new job. I was working that night so we didn't have time to have a party or cake and ice cream so after we went and picked up the kids and then we went home and then I headed off to work.

On sunday, I was exhausted from working all week and it was my first day off and so I sent the kids and CJ off to church so I could sleep with no interruptions! Bliss! We then had a little cake and ice cream after dinner that night with the kids!

CJ  I hope you had a great birthday and I love you! I want you to know you are a awesome hubby and daddy!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spooner Farms 2012

A couple weeks ago we went with Grandma Smelser to Spooner Farms. We didn't get to stay long because we didn't know that they closed so early and we showed up about a 30 min to close. We still  had lots of fun.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

5 year check up & New Glasses

At the end of August Camden had his 5 year well check up with Dr. Cooper. He hadn't had a eye exam since he was 2. It turns out he couldn't read the eye chart very well and the Dr. was concerned.

So in September we went to the Ophthalmologist and they did  more advanced eye tests and used those fancy occular machines to look at his eyes. It was determined by his Ophthalmologist that he need glasses. Anyways today was the day that they came in and we got to go and get them adjusted.

Saturday, September 29, 2012 picture collages

I have been experimenting with this website for awhile now and have posted pic collages recently for projects for the kids school. These are the most recent ones! ENJOY!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Aunts, Uncles, and cousin

My kids have the best Aunts, Uncles and 1 cousin! 

Grandparents Day~ Sept 9, 2012

I am so lucky to have AWESOME parents and 2 sets of AWESOME inlaws!
They are the best grandparents to my kiddos!
Camden and Kynlee love you sooooooo much!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

1st day of Preschool!

Kynlee loves school. Ever since we found out she would be attending the developmental preschool at Mountain Meadow Elementary she had been begging to wear a backpack like her brother. Well she finally got her chance.  

Hands up for the cutest preschooler EVER!

waiting for the school bus


here comes mrs suzie!

Getting on the bus for the 1st time.

Buckle up!

Bye Bye Mom!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Day of Kindergarten!

I can't believe I have a kindergartener! He is so ready and so excited! I am too! We put him on the bus and met him at the school to take him to his class. I helped him put his back pack away and find his desk. He then kept telling me it was time for me to leave. I thought when this day came I would be crying like all the other mom's were on the walk to the car. Kynlee had cried enough all morning for the both of us. she misses brother so much and is jealous that he gets to ride the bus. She starts school next week and will be riding the bus!

Waiting for the big long bus! NO MORE SHORT BUS!

and waiting.................................

Impatiently checking every couple seconds to see if the bus is coming!

1st one on the bus.

at his desk getting to know his classmates

He just finished telling me to he was big enough to be at school by himself and that i needed to leave NOW!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What!?! Camden is 5 years old!

I can't believe that my lil man is 5! It seems just like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital.

    Mom and Dad love you so much and we are so proud of you. You are the greatest son, brother, grandson, friend, monster and soon to be Kindergartener! We know you are so excited to start school at Foothills Elementary! We love your sense of humor and your desire to learn new things. We as your parents love you but your Heavenly Father loves you just the same and wants you to return to him.We know that you know this and we love that you love to pray to him, read your scriptures and go to primary. We hope you had a great birthday and hope all your birthday wishes come true.

Mom and Dad

Just a few days old
2 months old
8 months old
1 year old
2 years old
1st time on a train
3 years old
4 years old

Birthday present for 5th Birthday

Aquasox 2012
Grandma Becky and Papa Scott took him to Skymania in Kirkland. Its at trampoline place with wall to wall trampolines. They got some great videos:

jumping in the foam pit

Camden having fun @ Skymania for his birthday

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Magic Tricks

The missionaries taught Camden magic tricks and he practices them daily! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012