Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dentist Appointment

Cam and Kyn were amazing! I had so much anxiety going into this appointment especially because it was Kyn's first dental appointment and Cam had never been to this office before. I asked CJ to ask his work if he could be a little late so he could help me because I thought the kiddos would be uncooperative. I imagined Cam kicking and fighting the hygienist/assistant during x-rays and Kyn screaming and crying the whole time. BOY! WAS I WRONG!

They loved it! I have pictures for proof at how well our visit went.

Cam loved having his pictures taken. Kyn refused by saying NO NO NO!

Kyn got her teeth checked and brushed and she did very well. No screaming or crying. So happy to hold Spongebob stuffed toy.

Cam was nervous but did good. He does have another appointment for a small cavity to be filled.

They both got goodie bags with toys and toothbrushes and even a sugar-free lollipop!

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