Monday, June 27, 2011

Soccer Player

Camden is our little soccer player he had so much fun. The first 5 min was run around and keep the ball in the boundaries. Coach Allison and Coach Lauren are awesome and made the comment that Camden is a little smarty pants and listens very well. They played a game called pluck the turkey. His coached put jerseys in their pants and the kids had to kick the ball to them and then pluck a feather. It was very cute and the kids had so much. Pics are proof!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dentist Appointment

Cam and Kyn were amazing! I had so much anxiety going into this appointment especially because it was Kyn's first dental appointment and Cam had never been to this office before. I asked CJ to ask his work if he could be a little late so he could help me because I thought the kiddos would be uncooperative. I imagined Cam kicking and fighting the hygienist/assistant during x-rays and Kyn screaming and crying the whole time. BOY! WAS I WRONG!

They loved it! I have pictures for proof at how well our visit went.

Cam loved having his pictures taken. Kyn refused by saying NO NO NO!

Kyn got her teeth checked and brushed and she did very well. No screaming or crying. So happy to hold Spongebob stuffed toy.

Cam was nervous but did good. He does have another appointment for a small cavity to be filled.

They both got goodie bags with toys and toothbrushes and even a sugar-free lollipop!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kyn's Haircut!

Kynlee's hair had been getting very long and had lots of split ends. I wanted her hair to look good not only when I put it up in ponies but also down and curled under. It needed a trim. I also had attempted to cut her bangs and they were uneven. I made the decision to go to a kiddie cut place in Puyallup.

They did a wonderful job! She was very scared to be there at first but once they put on a Dora video and gave her a sucker she was just fine. She is so cute and every time she sees herself in the mirror she says, " I soooo pitty!"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Screen doors

She thinks she can go thru the screen quite often. I loved this pic of her pressing her face into the screen door after just trying to walk thru it.

I know she looks very homely. She will be getting her hair cut soon. On the days we stay home all day she lets herself go and she looks very scary at times. Believe it or not this was after her bath.

Kyn and dog!

Our Bishop has a beautiful Golden Retriever (can't remember his name). Kynlee loved playing with the dog! At one point she gave him a great big kiss but I of course didn't get a pic fast enough and she wouldn't do it again. She loved feeding him grass but I don't think he thought it was a very appetizing meal. :)


Macaroni and cheese I think is there favorite meal. It is the only meal that they both beg for seconds and they eat the whole box. Camden could probably eat a whole box by himself but we prefer him to share with Kynlee.

Swimming @ Cambridge Pool

Since we moved in Camden has been begging me to go swimming. Our apt is right above the pool so if he goes on the back patio and looks over the railing he can see the pool. He couldn't wait when the pool opened. Our pool opened on the 31st. It has been quite cold(at least for us) and We weren't prepared for swimming yet.

We went to the Dollar tree in Puyallup and bought a water shooter, floaties, noodles, goggles(that he said hurt his face so he didn't want to wear them).

Running to the pool!

Stopped for a picture for mom!

Checkin out the pool! She walked all the way around the pool before she got in.

They both kicked off there flip flops and got right in
Camden loved his water shooter!

He was so proud of him self in the middle of the pool with his floaties ALL by himself!

She kept saying fishing! Fishing! Fishing! I think she was trying to say swimming! We also couldn't be swimming without the Dora floaties! She insisted on wearing them when we were at home after swimming. She actually wanted to sleep with them but I said NOPE!

Our pool is heated! Hooray because there would be no way in this world I would be going swimming in a pool that wasn't. It has been averaging the mid to low 60's all week. Definitely not weather we are used to swimming in but hey they loved it and we will probably be doing alot more swimming. I want to get Camden and Kynlee comfortable with swimming. Happy Summer!