Friday, May 20, 2011

One year ago today!

I was looking thru pictures and saw a few of the kiddos from a year ago and boy have they changed!!!!!

I am not sure how much swimming we will be doing this summer, but we do have access to the pool @ our apts. If we do go I will be taking the camera. There are alot of lakes around here and CJ's boss has offered to take us on the lake when business isn't so busy.

:( Pictures

:( Kynlee deleted my pictures from my camera. I took some amazing pics of Kynlee and our bishop's dog at the Ward campout and Camden was very candid with a bunch of his friends from our ward.

She is very mischieveous she is definitely a two year old toddler. I love her to pieces but sometimes I wonder why she gets into the things she does or even does what she does.
She is shy sometimes.......

She climbs and gets into almost anything....Oh yes she is covered in Butter!

Can sleep anywhere as long as she has a baby with her.......

This is what she does when you wake her when she doesn't want to be awaken!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ward Campout!

I love to camp and am looking forward to our ward camp out this weekend. Pics will definitely be taken!

Headless Babydoll!

This babydoll's head somehow fell off and Kynlee doesnt care. I think she likes it more than all the others that she has. Proof that this baby mama doesn't care what her babies look like! Lol

Bradley Lake Park

This park is so gorgeous and I didn't capture its beauty very well but the kids definitely love to play here. This park is comparable to Freestone Park in Gilbert, AZ. It has a big lake that you can fish in and actually on the 21st of this month there is a Fishing Derby there and Camden is soooooo excited.


So we all sleep a certain way but do you sleep like this!

She is so precious! I can't believe she was made this cute because she definitely is not so angelic most days! She is a sassy little 2 year old. I love her soooo much!


Growing up I hated doing chores or cleaning anything really! I dreaded having to clean my room and would bribe my sister to clean up our room. I would offer things like: "You can wear my clothes. Pick what ever you would like." "I wont wear your clothes at all for a week." "I will give you $ or anything if you would just clean the room."

But Camden on the other hand loves to clean! I think Bjo must have rubbed off on him. Lol! He has a list of things that need to be done.

1-Vacuum the house
2-Pick up toys
3-Play nice with Kynlee
4-Take the trash out (with Daddy's help)

If he does his chores on his own and the right way he gets to put $ in his Mission Fund Jar. If he doesnt he gets privileges taken away. Eventually this jar will end up being a bigger piggy bank, but for now it works and he listens and loves to do what I say.