Thursday, February 24, 2011

AHHHHHH! 1 Month!

We are moving on March 25th! A nice man from Cj's ward is going to let us use his truck and trailer. He offered to come down to AZ and help us move. We are so grateful to him because if not we would have to use $ to rent a uhaul. We plan on leaving AZ in the a.m. on the 25th and drive as far as we can up I-5. Stay the night at a motel of some kind and then travel the rest of the way to WA.

I start CNA training on the 28th @ Divine CNA training in Federal Way, WA on the 28th. I have a caregiver certificate that i used while employed at the family assisted living home . Unfortuntely my certificate doesnt transfer to WA so I have to take a CNA class. I am planning on getting a job in the healthcare field and then hopefully start school in August to finish my nursing degree.

I am scared to death to move so far away from a place that I have always called home, but I am also so excited to have a place of my own again and a the chance to experience a new place.

One place I look forward to visiting is the Seattle Washington Temple.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Day!

Happy Valentines Day! Today I received flowers and Chocolate covered strawberries from my hubby! I love you Cj and the kids do too! I am proud to be your wife! Hope your day was as good as mine and look for ward to seeing you soon! XOXOX Muah!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Seattle Here we come!

We are moving! I know very unexpected but it is for the best. As most of you know CJ and I have been separated for over a year and we think that it is best that we get away from extended family and try to focus on us and our marriage. This was not a decision that we took lightly. We both prayed about and visited with priesthood authorities and also went to the temple. I am totally scared to death but am hoping for the best. I have been in counseling for awhile now and have gotten lots of advice from lots of people and know that this is the best thing for me now. We are planning on leaving at the end of march. We will be keeping in touch with friends and family by using facebook and blogger.

Having a place that I can call my own again is going to be awesome! All my stuff has been in my parents garage and it is going to be fun to unpack and see what I have been missing all these months. I will keep you posted on everything that is to come!

We just recently got our family pics taken while visiting Seattle at Thanksgiving! The blog header is a great pic and then the kids with Papa Smelser is way cute too!