Monday, July 23, 2012

Magic Tricks

The missionaries taught Camden magic tricks and he practices them daily! 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Splash pad @ Les Grove Park

Our Future Gymnast!

Kynlee is a active little girl. We just had to put her into something to help her with social skills. She loves gymnastics. When we should up to Roach's Gymnastics she was so  excited and was screaming. We walk in and she was speechless. Her eyes were as wide as possible and was in udder amazement. She was glued to me until her coach called her name and invited her back on to the gym mats. She for the most part did her own thing until her class was instructed to complete a obstacle course. She loved it. I think she was pretty good and with practice will become lots better. She was very said when we left. She only stopped crying when i said we were going to come back next week and also we were going to get ice cream at mcdonalds.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dough can be so fun!

Camden and Kynlee wanted to help me play with the my left over bread dough. I took a few pics and then took a video of them. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

1st T-ball Game

Go Aquasox!
"When you play you gotta hydrate!" Camden says.

Waiting to bat with team mates

Mmmm.....I really should be paying attention

On deck to bat. BYOH (Bring your own helmet because the others don't fit his head)

His fans were rooting for him!

GO Camden! # 14 is the best Aquasox!

The visiting team the Sumner Rainiers couldn't play the game with out every mom helping them out on the field. Momma's Boys should play baseball!

she wanted her pic taken. Camden is also in the pic he is very small and right next to her shoulder on the right

Camden, Coach Steve and Evan

On the field chasing the ball

Good Game Rainiers!