Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Pictures!

We leave for Seattle on the 25th and wanted to get the kids pictures taken before we left so we could have something to remember. My cousin's wife, Brooke took their pictures. My kiddos are very active so we were very lucky to get the ones we got. Hope you all enjoy!

Monday, March 7, 2011


You're 50! It is weird to me that my parents and inlaws are turning 50. I hope that your day was special and that you will live for another 1/2 century! Love ya so much and am so thankful for all that you do. We hope that you enjoy the gift card and a night out with Beck.

Kynlee's Party

We had a party on Sunday, Mar. 6th because her Uncle Stephen loves her so much and wanted to be at her party and has to work on her birthday the 7th. We rescheduled it then and he even cam after going to urgent care that morning. She is loved so much by all her parents, bubba, grandparents, uncles and aunts. We had a pink monster party for her because she is our little monster disguised as a little girl.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kynlee Kate is 2 years old,

I just can't believe it! She is 2! I can't imagine my life with out my little baby doll/ monster! I love her so much and wish her the Happiest 2nd birthday ever! This is a form of journaling for me so I thought that I would explain her birth story and then a little bit about her and how she has been.

I was due to have her on March 12th, our anniversary. We were struggling Financially and dad had just got a job at Christmas time and couldn't take time off for when you were born. We asked Dr. Lepetich if it would be possible for me to be induced a week early so we could plan on you being born on the weekend. He said that was fine and he scheduled an induction for the 6th. The night before we dropped Bubba(Camden) off at Grannycakes and Papacakes house to be watched until we got home with you. The next day we went to the hospital for 10am check in. They started prepping me for an induction. They tried a few methods other than pitocin to start my labor and I started contractions and progressing slowly at about 1pm. My the early evening I hadnt progressed much and they wanted me to get pitocin started because they didn't want my contractions to stop. By 1am I started contracting more and was in pain and finally decided to get an epidural. I had told Grannycakes and Aunt Bjo that they could be in the delivery room and so when the nurses told me I was 9 cm she said call the fam and tell them to head over, it was 6am. As soon as they arrived we started to push. We pushed for about 20 min and you were born. Kynlee Kate Smelser arrived on March 7th, 2009 @ 8:06am. We were so excited to see you and finally have a baby girl. You were named after your Grammy Smelser her middle name is LEE. And your also named after me.Another special thing is that you were born right in the middle of your two papa's birthdays, Papa Scott's is Mar 6th and Papacakes' is Mar 8th. That year Papacakes turned 50. We have tons of pics of you and love you more then any thing.

WEll, thats enough of journaling for me. I thought you might want to take a look back at the life of Kynlee so far. SO enjoy some pics. There is a lot so be prepared!
