Monday, September 19, 2011


Camden is in preschool and he had is first day of preschool on the 14th! Believe it or not I DID NOT CRY! I know that it is shocking but I didn't!

Camping @ Grayland Beach State Park

We went camping this weekend to the beach! We had so much fun. We stayed in a Yurt! I think camping this way is the way to go especially in WA because of the Rain. Camden and Kynlee had so much fun.They loved the beach. We played with buckets, shovels, rakes, Kites, & Seaweed Jump-ropes. It was super windy on the beach and we didn't have any trouble keeping our kites up in the air. Kynlee was probably the best kite flyer ever. On Saturday night, we all sat by the fire and listened to Camden tell us scary stories. One of my favorites was the story about PINK-FOOT. Now if you give Pink-foot your s'more he will eat it and then eat you! So eat your s'more before Pink-foot comes to your camp. He is so funny and could probably eat s'mores for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Our Yurt was very cool. At least I thought it was cool because I had never seen one before or even new what they were. There was a full-size futon and a bunk bed and we all(Papa Scott, Grandma Becky, Dad, Mom, Camden, and Kynlee) stayed in it. Kynlee wanted to sleep with Grandma and only grandma. Grandpa made really good food for us while we camped. We had a great time and will definitely be going camping again next summer! Thanks for joining us Papa and Grandma!

Kynlee's new outfit!

Grannycakes made Kynlee a new outfit and sent it to us. She loves it and we took pictures just so grannycakes could see them. She looks so precious and is so adorable in it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


The Puyallup Fairgrounds is 2 blocks from our apartment. We went on opening weekend and had so much fun. Pics and video are the proof!

Our New Car!

We got a new car! We knew that moving to Wa we were going to eventually have to get a new car. Our 1999 Toyota Corolla was running great even with the high miles, but it is very cold, wet, rainy, sometimes snow and we new we would die driving it in the crazy WA weather. I also got a job that is up on the hill and we knew that me driving it to and from work would just be treacherous. The day we went and got our new car (new to us) Camden and Kynlee wanted to say goodbye to the white car by giving her a hug!

Our New Car is a 2003 Toyota Highlander Limited Edition AWD. We love it and it gives us a lot more room and it will be much safer for us to drive in the winter.

Camden's Superhero 4th Birthday!

Camden is 4! It seems just like yesterday he was just a lil baby! We had a Superhero Training Day on Aug. 17th (his birthday) He had his friends from Primary come: Evelyn and Duke Perkins, Asher and Ainsley Conway, & Logan and Jordan Denney. We had lots of fun playing make a spiderweb for spiderman, eat magic X-ray vision beans for our prize hunt, we had a spiderman pinata,, We decorated our bags and had a wonderful lunch. We had hero sandwiches on a stick, grapes on a stick, bugles chips! We had lots of fun and Camden thanks all his friends for coming and for presents!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Soccer Player

Camden is our little soccer player he had so much fun. The first 5 min was run around and keep the ball in the boundaries. Coach Allison and Coach Lauren are awesome and made the comment that Camden is a little smarty pants and listens very well. They played a game called pluck the turkey. His coached put jerseys in their pants and the kids had to kick the ball to them and then pluck a feather. It was very cute and the kids had so much. Pics are proof!